What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a powerful and accessible state of consciousness obtained through skillful guidance that takes place while comfortable in savasana. Students are led through the five layers of the self (the koshas) into a a state of consciousness between sleeping and waking, after which they will feel restored, renewed and with a sense of wholeness. Because yoga nidra has incredible benefits for overall wellbeing and transformation, it is important that your guide have formal education in the art.

The benefits…

On physical and mental health:

Not only is it said that 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra is the equivalent of 2 hours of sleep, research from top universities has concluded that regular practice of Yoga Nidra aids in the reversal and prevention of insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, pain, cardiovascular and numerous other health issues. 

On emotional and spiritual health:

Yoga Nidra provides the practitioner an opportunity to get to a relaxed state to begin to approach the bliss state. While reaching Bliss, samadhi, or the union of the Self with the whole universe in which all of the superficial falls away, is something rarely attained for most people; it’s far more accessible when we quiet the mind to approach true union with the Self. We aim to achieve dhyana, or the passive state of meditation (being, not thinking), during savasana, but even that’s hard for us as our busy, yang lives keep our minds in a constant state of activity. The path to these healing states is accessed through a regular meditation practice, and yoga nidra makes that practice sustainable. And if none of this is important to you, taking time out to just be with yourself, to unplug from busyness, social media, and all of the human experience that weighs us down is such a beautiful way to be lighter as you move into the rest of your week.

Cultivate inner peace, introspection, and compassion with this perspective-shifting practice.


Embracing your “dark side” is a gateway to freedom